Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Score Analysis is vital for music interpretation. Why?

Score analysis is vital for every band directors. Knowing all about the music; the music history, the composer, country, culture, form, structure, style, timbre, harmony, instrumentation, etc, enables the band director to express the soul of the musical score. Having the musical skills and knowledge enables band director to analyze the musical score excessively before teaching the musical piece. A good composer writes a piece of music that usually includes a variety of clues about how to perform them. Some clues, such as dynamic and articulation markings, are obvious but there are also abstract and related clues to the melodic and harmonic structure that correlates to the inner meaning of the work and need to be interpreted out of the music itself. The structure of the work may be related with a story or a particular emotion and in this case, those band directors that are able to identify those elements and bring them out during performance accomplish the most musically responsive performances.
Different decades have different fashions for musical interpretation, and for the most part, preferences are a matter of taste. Leading interpretations in whatever style based on a deep appreciation for the music. (McComb. T. M. 2000). Keefer, (1992) found that “music does not function like language or any system of referential signs. The meaning only exists in performance”. Katayose, H., & Inokuchi, S. (1993) stated that, “if music is realized as nominally described by the score, a musically unacceptable performance emerges. Music interpretation is necessary to generate a musically acceptable performance. The function of learning how to play music is the most important process in music interpretation”.

Katayose, H., & Inokuchi, S. (1993) Learning Performance Rules in a Music Interpretation System. Department of Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka,

Keefer, D. (1992). If it ain't got that swing:Musical Performance Practices and the Possibility of Musical Meaning. Retrieved December, 12, 2008. http://departments.risd.edu/faculty/dkeefer/web/swing.htm

McComb. T. M. (2000). Do early music interpretations improve? Retrieved December, 12, 2008. http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/misc/progress.html

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mahayuddin,
    It is nice reading your post as it creates my interest in learning music. I seldom play musical instrument during my leisure hours because there is no one who is willing to help me. In addition, the music I created is sometimes strange to others, but I enjoy it. Now only I realize that music interpretation is an important process as I did it for my own. I know that I could not entertain others because people prefer music of their own choice, especially contemporary music. People look at the music from different viewpoints, noting the unique instruments and the qualities of pitch and harmony that were achieved with these instruments, with new sounds to their ears. Hope I will be your loyal visitor and ready to read your coming posts.
